Integrated Annual Report 2018

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Consolidated statement of financial position for 2018

Consolidated statement of financial position

for 2018

Note December 31st 2018 December 31st 2017
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment of the Downstream segment 13 8,742.4 8,761.5
Intangible assets of the Downstream segment 13 151.9 163.2
Property, plant and equipment of the Upstream segment 13 3,044.0 2,404.2
Intangible assets of the Upstream segment 13 338.0 304.8
Equity-accounted joint ventures 14 117.2 106.5
Deferred tax assets 10.3 149.6 415.4
Derivative financial instruments 23 9.1 2.7
Other non-current assets 15 525.8 303.8
Total non-current assets 13,078.0 12,462.1
Current assets
Inventories 16 4,848.9 3,559.6
- including emergency stocks 2,886.9 2,098.7
Trade receivables 15 1,880.4 2,677.0
Current tax assets 2.4 1.3
Derivative financial instruments 23 15.3 161.8
Other current assets 15 457.6 388.7
Cash and cash equivalents 17 1,941.3 1,920.7
Total current assets 9,145.9 8,709.1
Total assets 22,223.9 21,171.2
Share capital 18 184.9 184.9
Share premium 19 2,228.3 2,228.3
Cash flow hedging reserve 20 (288.2) (225.2)
Retained earnings 9,826.1 8,432.2
Translation reserve 83.6 92.2
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent 12,034.7 10,712.4
Non-controlling interests 0.1 0.1
Total equity 12,034.8 10,712.5
Non-current liabilities
Bank borrowings, non-bank borrowings, notes and finance lease liabilities 22 2,345.3 2,738.3
Derivative financial instruments 23 6.9 6.7
Deferred tax liabilities 10.3 324.9 277.7
Employee benefit obligations 24 170.4 169.3
Other liabilities and provisions 25 1,196.8 1,072.4
Total non-current liabilities 4,044.3 4,264.4
Current liabilities
Bank borrowings, non-bank borrowings, notes and finance lease liabilities 22 1,538.7 1,687.6
Derivative financial instruments 23 47.4 72.7
Trade payables 25 1,913.7 2,201.7
Current tax payables 565.3 210.0
Employee benefit obligations 24 156.2 145.3
Other liabilities and provisions 25 1,923.5 1,877.0
Total current liabilities 6,144.8 6,194.3
Total liabilities 10,189.1 10,458.7
Total equity and liabilities 22,223.9 21,171.2

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