Integrated Annual Report 2018

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Materiality matrix


The matrix is based on findings of a stakeholder survey and materiality analysis conducted by BETTER/GOODBRAND consultants.

Very material – above 80% in the survey,
Material – below 80% and above 50% in the survey.


LOTOS Group’s financial performance in 2018

LOTOS Group’s involvement in initiatives supporting economic growth in Poland

Risk management in view of market developments and climate change

Quantity and type of stocks and production of fuels obtained by LOTOS

Environmental impact of the LOTOS Group’s supply chain

Strategy towards climate change

LOTOS’s environmental impact

Alternative fuels

Water withdrawal and sources used in the business

Materials used in the business

Impact on biodiversity and its protection

Effluent and waste management

Content of harmful substances in fuels

Product and material reclamation policy

Employment scale and policy

Initiatives for local communities

Page link:

— Society

Preventing corruption

Results of customer satisfaction surveys

Occupational health and safety practices

Staff training and education

Diversity management and equal opportunity

Preparedness for civil emergencies, including security procedures and integrity of resources

Health protection and customer safety

Employee volunteering

Page link:

— Employees

LOTOS Foundation

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