Integrated Annual Report 2018

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Energy consumption within the organisation


Energy consumption within the organization

[GJ / MWh]

2017 2018
Non-renewable sources
24 023 443 26 731 241
Renewable sources
0 0
Energy purchased
6 371 580 7 075 770
Energy sold
588 758 754 346
Overall energy consumption in the organisation
29 806 266 33 052 666

In 2018, more energy was used because more oil was processed than in 2017.

Non-renewable sources

[GJ / MWh]

2018 Fuel equivalent for usable energy 1
Coal 341 186
Natural gas 10 421 045
Diesel oil 419 281
Fuel gas 11 944 740
Residual gas, special gas and reservoir gas 3 530 341
Heavy oil 0
Light fuel oil 49 539
Marine oil 0
LPG 25 110
TOTAL 26 731 241
Energy purchased from other entities

[GJ / MWh]

2018 Fuel equivalent for usable energy 1
Electricity 6 951 326
Heat (including steam and cooling) 124 445
TOTAL 7 075 770
Energy sold to other entities

[GJ / MWh]

2018 Fuel equivalent for usable energy 1
Electricity 261 600
Steam (water vapor) 277 358
Heat (in water) 215 387
Cooling energy 0
TOTAL 754 346

1 The fuel equivalent for a selected group of fuels in a given period is the product of the quantity (t or Nm3) of the burned fuel and its calorific value (GJ/t (or Nm3).
In the case of electricity, the consumption of energy purchased on the market was brought to the fuel equivalent using the average efficiency of generation of the electricity sources in Poland.

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